DevopsPorto Meetup December 2017 Session
I recently presented a talk titled “Ramp Up Your Learning Habits in 2018” and intended to challenge the attendees of the December 2017 DevopsPorto meetup group to choose some topics and focus on learning them in 2018.
It was a fun presentation for me, given it is a topic dear to me and was also the first time I presented to the group I co-founded with Eduardo Piairo.
The slides are available through GitPitch (which I also learned for this session) at Press ‘S’ to open the speaker deck and find additional notes. The slides are open source and available at . In the repo, I also have a set of notes on some courses by Britt Andreatta about learning that I found useful and which can further aid any efforts to create new learning habits in 2018.
Finally, a quick thanks to all those who attended and followed up during the break and at the end of the day, and also thanks to my good friends at Bitmaker Software for hosting the event at the awesome startup house Founders 2 Founders.